I've mentioned before that I might be a bit addicted to the "widgets" of the blogsphere, but my new favorite has to be the playlist. First off, let me apologize to all who get annoyed when websites spontaneously start singing to you. Don't judge me--I can't help but be swept away with this sparkly little blog gem. I've decided to compromise with you, I won't put my playlist on automatic play if you agree to hit play just once during the week. Deal? Good.
Now, on to the new "Living the Good Life" feature, the Artist of the Week. What else are blogs for if not to share absolutely every detail about your life and interests? That fact, along with the surprise of getting a few emails and comments about the artists featured the last couple of weeks, has inspired me to attempt a weekly post explaining the music featured on LTGL (thanks for the inspiration BSucio, and by inspiration I mean blatantly stealing your idea of actually writing a post).
Ritter's cover of River is one of my favorites, as are the originals Idaho and Right Moves. Give him a listen and tell me what you think.